LifeChurch Heald Green is a local church who owns a building situated on Outwood Road.
Due to increasing numbers LifeChurch now meets on Sundays at Outwood Primary School. We are now able to offer excellent flexibility for our building to be utilised for a range of community based activities and to offer room hire for local community, family and business events.
We have a steering group made up of local people and our vision and values are below:
Vision - A community where everyone has the opportunity to be the recipients of God’s love and God’s care. A community where no one; should they so choose, is left out, left behind or left on their own.
Mission - To provide a community space through and from which the needs and the aspirations of the local community are met. To provide a community space that makes it easy for its users to engage with God’s love and care.
Values –
- Compassion
- Hope
- Prayer
- Service
- Generosity